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Hatch Act Formula Grant

Hatch Act funds are provided for agricultural research on an annual basis to the State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES’s) which were established under the direction of the college or university or agricultural departments of the college or university in each State in accordance with the act approved July 2, 1862 (7 U.S.C. 301 et seq.). Description of Hatch funds can be found at USDA/CSREES website. SAES’s are required to provide 100% in matching funds. A certain portion of these funds are allocated for the Multistate Research Fund which provides funds for cooperative research employing multidisciplinary approaches conducted by the SAES, working with another SAES, the Agricultural Research Service, or a college or university, to solve problems that concern more than one state. CTAHR receives about $1.3 million each year to support various research, integrated (25%), and multistate projects (28%). A portion of these funds are used to support faculty salary as well as branch station and department upkeep. An annual Research/Extenson Supplemental Funding RFP process is in place to provide funding to active Hatch projects and Extension Plans of Work. Under this RFP, faculty with approved projects may apply for up to $50,000 per year for two years. This is considered seed money to assist CTAHR faculty in competing for extramural funds, and addressing issues of high priority to Hawaii.

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No.PIStart DateEnd DateExtended DateTitle
944H Alvarez, Anne M10/01/201009/30/2013 (INTEGRATED) Evaluation of Anthurium plants for resistance to bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Dieffenbachiae
595RBingham, Jon-Paul10/01/201009/30/2015 Evaluating the Physical and Biological Availability of Pesticides and Contaminants in Agricultural Ecosystems (W2082)
854HBittenbender, H C10/01/200709/30/2013 (INTEGRATED) Sustaining the expansion of Cacao, coffee and kava Production in Hawaii {Revised}
545HBorthakur, Dulal10/01/200809/30/2011 Isolation of CDNA clones for a pathogenesis-related protiens from leucaena leucocephala
174HChan, Catherine10/01/200709/30/2012 Buyers' and Consumers' Preference of Hawaiian Avocados: Towards Self-Sufficiency and Import Substitution
375R Cheang, Michael10/01/200809/30/2013 The Complex Nature of Saving: Psychological and Economic Factors (NC1172)
376HCheang, Michael02/01/201009/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) Kid's Savings
507H Christopher, David A10/01/201009/30/2015 Plasma and vacuolar membrane channels regulating cation transport in plants and their role in ameliorating salt and acidic stresses.
856HCriley, Richard A10/01/200709/30/2012 Physiology of Flowering of Tropical Ornamentals {Revised}
895HCriley, Richard A10/01/200909/30/2014 (INTEGRATED) Identification, selection, and functional analysis of alternative ornamental trees for Hawaii landscapes
307HDeBaryshe, Barbara10/01/200909/30/2014 (INTEGRATED) Understanding the Well-Being of Hawaii's Families
853HDeenik, Jonathan10/01/200909/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) The Effect of Biochar Applications on Crop Productivity and Soil Properties
822H DeFrank, Joseph10/01/201009/30/2015 (INTEGRATED) Weed Management in Sustainable Tropical Cropping Systems
157RGopalakrishnan, Chennat10/01/200909/30/2011 Water Policy and Management Challenges in the West (W2190)
966HGrace, J Kenneth12/01/200509/30/201009/30/2011(INTEGRATED) Baits and Precision Targeting as Alternatives to Broad-Spectrum Insecticide Applications for Urban Pest Management
594R Hashimoto, Andrew10/01/200809/30/2013 The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy (S1041)
927H Hu, John10/01/201009/30/2013 (INTEGRATED) Development of transgenic plants resistant to plant pathogens in Hawaii
938HHu, John10/01/200709/30/2012 Detection and Characterization of Plant Viruses in Hawaii
563RJenkins, Daniel10/01/200609/30/2011 Nanotechnology and Biosensors (NC1031)
517HJenkins, Daniel10/01/200910/01/2014 Engineering a Low-cost Disposable for Rapid DNS-Based Pathogen Detection in the Field
246HJun, Soojin10/01/200609/30/201109/30/2012Nanoscale Surgace Coating Study to Minimize Electrochemical Reaction and Fouling Occurrence During Food Processing
260HJun, Soojin10/01/200809/30/201109/30/2012Detection of e.coli 0157-H7 using a nononeedle probe biosensor
282R Jun, Soojin10/01/201009/30/2015  Engineering for food safety and quality (NC1023)
837HKaufman, Andrew J.04/01/200709/30/201109/30/2012(INTEGRATED) Developing and expanding Hawaii landscape sectors products and services
592RKhanal, Samir10/01/200809/30/2013 The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy (S1041)
309HKim, Ji Yeon10/01/200909/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) Family Financial Challenges and their Implications for the Quality of Family Relationships and Individual Adjustment
284RKim, Yong-Soo10/01/201009/30/2015 Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation (NC1184)
250HKim, Yong-Soo10/01/200809/30/201109/30/2012Improving skeletal muscle growth of farm animals by supressing myostatin activity
850HKobayashi, Kent D10/01/200709/30/2012 Environmental and Nutrient Management of Ornamental and Nursery Crops
872HKratky, Bernard A10/01/200609/30/201009/30/2011Cultural Studies of Intensive Vegetable Production (Revised)
257RLee, Chin Nyean10/01/200609/30/2011 (INTEGRATED) Stress Factors of Farm Animals and Their Effects on Performance (W1173)
819HLeonhardt, Kenneth W01/01/201009/30/2014 (INTEGRATED) Development of Improved ornamental Plant Varieties for the Advancement of Hawaii's Floral
156RLeung, PingSun10/01/200909/30/2014 Marketing, Trade, and Management of Aquaculture and Fishery Resources (from W1004)
539HLi, Qing X10/01/200609/30/2011 (INTEGRATED) Bioremediation Controlling Factors, Protein Regulation Mechanism and Technology Demonstration
596RLi, Qing X10/01/201009/30/2015 Agrochemical Impacts on Human and Evnironmental Health: Mechanisms and Mitigation (W2045)
229RLi, Yong02/01/200609/30/201009/30/2011Post harvest quality and safety I fresh-cut vegetables and fruits (S294)
267HLi, Yong11/01/200609/30/201109/30/2012Evaluation and Monitoring of Microbial Hazards in Acidic Tropical Fruit Juices
352RLin, Shu Hwa10/01/200709/30/2012 Personal Protective Technologies for Current and Emerging Occupational Hazards (NC170)
367HLin, Shu Hwa10/01/200809/30/2013 Examination and development of speical performances textiles for a tropical climate
132HLitton, Creighton04/01/200809/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) Ecosystem Structure and Function in Degraded, Restored, and Intact Hawaiian Forests
855HManshardt, Richard M11/01/200909/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) Evaluation of Banana Clones for Commercial Potential in Hawaii
370HMartini, Mary01/01/201009/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) Effects of an Integrated 4-H/FCS Family Club Program on Family Collaboration and Positive Youth
103HMiura, Tomoaki10/01/200809/30/201109/30/2012A Remote Sensing-And Gis-Based Analysis of Land-Based Pollution Influences on the Coastal Environment in Hawaii
278HNakamoto, Stuart T01/15/200909/30/201109/30/2012(INTEGRATED) "Hawaii Tea" product development and marketing
586RNerurkar, Pratibha10/01/200709/30/2012 Beneficial and adverse effects of natural bioactive dietary chemicals on human health and food safety (from W2122)
861RNguyen, Hue V10/01/200909/30/2014 Soil-based use of residuals, wastewater and reclaimed water (W2170)
867HNguyen, Hue V10/01/200810/01/201109/30/2012Bioavailability and remediation of arsenic in contaminated Hawaii soils
283RNovotny, Rachel10/01/200609/30/201109/30/2012An Integrated Approach to Prevention of Obesity in High Risk Families (W1005)
868HPaull, Robert E11/01/200809/30/2013 Breeding aroids and orchids for quality, productivity, and disease/pest resistance with emphasis on anthurium and dendrobium
862HPaull, Robert E10/01/200909/30/2014 Postharvest Physiology of Fresh Hawaiian Commodities (660H)
508RPresting, Gernot10/01/200809/30/2013 Managing Plant Microbe Interactions in Soil to Promote Sustainable Agriculture (from W2147)
830HRadovich, Theodore10/01/200909/30/2014 (INTEGRATED) Sustainable and Organic Farming Systems Research and Outreach for Hawaii
384HReilly, Andrew10/15/200709/30/2012 Visitor and resident preferences for design characteristics of hawaiian textile prints
956HRubinoff, Daniel10/01/200809/30/201109/30/2012(INTEGRATED) A Reference Collection of Native and Invasive Insect Species in Hawaii {Revised}
952HSipes, Brent S10/01/200809/30/2013 (INTEGRATED) Encouraging small-scale pineapple production across Hawaii
996RSipes, Brent S10/01/200809/30/2013 Variability, Adaptation, and Management of Nematodes Impacting Crop Production and Trade (W2186)
576HSu, Wei-Wen Winston02/01/200609/30/201009/30/2011Plant Molecular Farming in a Contained Environment
558H Su, Wei-Wen Winston12/01/201009/30/2013 New Strategies for Coordinated Multi-gene Engineering in Plants
266HThorne, Mark10/01/201009/30/2013 (INTEGRATED) Best Management Practices for the Sustainable Productivity of Hawaii's Range and Pasture Lands
285RVincent, Douglas10/01/201009/30/2011 Local food choices, eating patterns, and population health (NC1033)
902H Wang, Koon-Hui11/01/200609/30/201109/30/2012(INTEGRATED) A Superhero without a Cape: Using the Cover Crop Sunn Hemp to Feed the Soil, Suppress Nematodes, and Smother Weeds
919HWright, Mark G.12/01/200609/30/201109/30/2012(INTEGRATED) Management Decision Systems for Multiple Pest Complexes on Tropical Fruit & Nut Crops
393RYancura, Loriena10/01/200809/30/2013 Interactions of individual, family, community, and policy contexts on the mental and physical health of diverse rural low-income families (NC1171)
369HYancura, Loriena10/01/200809/30/2011 Intergenerational reminiscence: Improving quality for life for grandparents and children
244RYang, Jinzeng10/01/200809/30/2013 National animal genome research program (from NRSP008)
543HYang, Ping-Yi11/01/200709/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) Engineering innovative bioreactor for land limited wastewater treatment/reuse
371HYee, Barbara10/01/200909/30/2012 (INTEGRATED) Health Beliefs and Lifestyle Practices in Asian and Pacific Islander Families
897HYost, Russell S.05/01/200809/30/2012 Improving nutrient management to increase productivity, economic viability, and environmental health

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