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Dian Dooley: On Weight and New Year’s Resolutions — Island Scence, 12/28/2005

An Unexpected Taste for Escargot. — CTAHR feature story, 12/26/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Build a buffet for color and taste variety — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 12/18/2005

CTAHR Extension Agent Jari Sugano provides everything you need to know about growing green onions — The Honolulu Advertiser, 12/9/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Getting fit for Honolulu Mall-athon — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 12/4/2005


Dian Dooley: Holiday Eating – Having Your Cake and Eating It, Too — Island Scence, 11/30/2005

Helping Cows Be Good Neighbors. — CTAHR feature story, 11/28/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Hoodia is new weight-loss magic potion — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 11/20/2005

Maui County Administrator Harold Keyser argues against banning genetically engineered agricultural crops. — Maui News, 11/16/2005

The sweet fuyu persimmon can be eaten while still crisp, but more astringent varieties are best when very ripe and soft, advises Jari Sugano. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 11/11/2005

Molecular biosensors developed in Winston Su’s laboratory offer a promising approach to rapid and accurate detection of disease organisms. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 11/10/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Veggy diets run risk of deficiencies — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 11/6/2005

Extension Specialist J.B. Friday reports that severe outbreaks of koa wilt can kill 90 percent of the trees at affected plantations. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 11/5/2005

Pearl City’s Urban Garden Center is among the sites at which residents receive potted trees and shrubs made available by Hawaiian Electric Co. in honor of Arbor Day. Extension Agent Steve Nagano and volunteer Traci Hamamoto are photographed alongside the free plants. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 11/5/2005


Researcher Georgina Lillich brings the innovative grade-school curriculum of CTAHR’s Termite Project to Kihei Elementary School. This is the Termite Project’s first visit to a neighbor island school. — The Maui News, 10/31/2005


Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Milk contains anti-cancer nutrients — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 10/23/2005

Different turfgrasses thrive under different mowing regimes, notes CTAHR’s Jay Deputy. Factors include the height at which the mower is set, the type of mower, and the frequency of mowing. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 10/21/2005

Oahu farmer Dean Okimoto, a CTAHR Board of Advisors member and president of the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation, draws the connection between Hawaii’s “ice” (methamphetamine) epidemic and the almost $4 million in agricultural theft and vandalism reported for 2004. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 10/20/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Help children develop good eating habits — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 10/9/2005

A Pioneer's Lasting Legacy — CTAHR feature story, 10/7/2005

For would-be gardeners with limited space, Jari Sugano recommends growing vegetables and herbs in containers. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 10/7/2005

Hector Valenzuela announces the launch of a CTAHR organic agriculture Web site. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 10/7/2005

Nano-scale protein sensors developed by CTAHR’s Winston (Wei Wen) Su can rapidly detect biological agents in any liquid and may replace existing methods of medical and environmental testing. BioXene, a Hawaii-based biotechnology firm, has acquired the patent rights for the sensors from the University of Hawaii. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 10/1/2005


Dian Dooley: Sodium: A Frequently Misunderstood Mineral — Island Scence, 9/28/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Iron is needed for numerous body functions — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 9/25/2005

Miles Hakoda, a member of CTAHR’s Office of Communication Services, describes the Buy Fresh, Buy Local campaign, a collaboration among the college, the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, and the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 9/7/2005

To encourage cross-pollination and maximize fruit set in avocado, Jari Sugano recommends that backyard gardeners grow both the A and B flower types. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 9/2/2005


Dian Dooley: Breaking the Fast – The Most Important Meal of the Day — Island Scence, 8/31/2005

Hawaii's Kids Count on Us. — CTAHR feature story, 8/29/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: School ban on soda sales wins approval — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 8/28/2005

CTAHR Board of Advisors member and Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation president Dean Okimoto describes how Act 183 (formerly House Bill 1640, enacted during the 2005 legislative session) will provide incentives to help keep important agricultural lands in cultivation. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 8/26/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: How to know it’s too good to be true — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 8/14/2005

Center on the Family’s director, Sylvia Yuen, quantifies the growing gap between Hawaii’s rich and poor in an article highlighting a recent quality-of-life report developed by COF for Aloha United Way. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 8/13/2005

When lawn thatch grows too thick and must be removed, Jay Deputy recommends vertical mowing. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 8/5/2005

Ron Wall is featured in an article about affordable UH educational resources that teach financial planning. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 8/5/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Sweet scare is tempered — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 8/1/2005


Entomology graduate student Darcy Oishi, a volunteer at the 2005 Hawaii State Farm Fair held in Kapolei, distributes cookies and brownies with unusual, not-so-secret ingredients: mealworms and crickets. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 7/31/2005

Jay Deputy advises lawn owners on how to prevent turf-grass thatch—the brown layer of stems and sometimes roots that lies between the green grass tissue and the soil surface—from getting too thick. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 7/29/2005

Sharing Biotech Tools with Smaller Schools. — CTAHR feature story, 7/29/2005

Dian Dooley: Nutrient Density – An Idea Whose Time Has Finally Come — Island Scence, 7/27/2005

A 2004 survey of Big Island real estate agents by CTAHR’s Arnold Hara found that 62 percent were involved in deals that were affected by the presence of coqui frogs. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 7/25/2005

A discussion of the diverse opinions held by members of the Native Hawaiian community on the subject of biotechnology mentions CTAHR's recent commitment to refrain from the genetic engineering of Hawaiian taro varieties until a research review forum addresses the issues involved. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7/24/2005

The discovery by assistant professor Daniel Rubinoff and graduate student William P. Haines of a unique predatory behavior by an endemic Hawaiian caterpillar that eats snails has received local and national publicity. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 7/22/2005

The discovery by assistant professor Daniel Rubinoff and graduate student William P. Haines of a unique predatory behavior by an endemic Hawaiian caterpillar that eats snails has received local and national publicity. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7/22/2005

The discovery by assistant professor Daniel Rubinoff and graduate student William P. Haines of a unique predatory behavior by an endemic Hawaiian caterpillar that eats snails has received local and national publicity. — USA Today, 7/22/2005

The discovery by assistant professor Daniel Rubinoff and graduate student William P. Haines of a unique predatory behavior by an endemic Hawaiian caterpillar that eats snails has received local and national publicity. — The Washington Post, 7/21/2005

Termites communicate through chemicals. CTAHR researchers Ken Grace and Julian Yates want to use these chemicals to attract the termites to poisoned bait. — KHON2 News, 7/18/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Should sodas have warning labels? — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7/18/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Dehydration is linked to many ills — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7/11/2005

A 2004 survey of Big Island real estate agents by CTAHR’s Arnold Hara found that 62 percent were involved in deals that were affected by the presence of coqui frogs. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7/11/2005

CTAHR alumna Tracie Uchima receives the Stan Bates Award as the Western Athletic Conference's top female scholar-athlete for the 2004–05 academic year. A softball outfielder and animal sciences graduate, Uchima plans to attend veterinary school at Michigan State University. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 7/8/2005

Science writer Jan Tenbruggencate refers readers to on-line resources, including CTAHR’s Biotechnology and Agriculture Education Program’s Web site, for information on the labeling of genetically modified foods. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 7/4/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Age plays crucial role in B-12 needs — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 7/4/2005

For locally grown summer refreshment, Jari Sugano recommends sweet, juicy watermelon. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 7/1/2005


Dian Dooley: Fast Food or Food Fast: Is That the Question? — Island Scence, 6/29/2005

A Lei for All Seasons. — CTAHR feature story, 6/29/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Dippin’ strips pack calories. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 6/27/2005

Grace Fong of Center on the Family offers advice on preparing children for their first day of school. COF's book "Getting Ready for Kindergarten" helps keiki learn what to expect. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 6/23/2005

At the 2005 Hawaii Cacao Symposium in Kona, CTAHR's Skip Bittenbender is among the attendees working toward establishing Hawaii as center of high-quality cacao and chocolate production. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 6/22/2005

Ester Yap, 4-H program assistant with the Kahului Cooperative Extension Service Office, shares drink recipes for children from the "Maui 4-H Cookbook." — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 6/22/2005

CTAHR will receive state and federal funds to determine Hawaii's current demand for agricultural irrigation water and develop methods for estimating demand during the next 20 years. — Pacific Business News, 6/20/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: DHEA could pose risks. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 6/20/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Mango, other foods affect blood thinners. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 6/13/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Adolescent drinking holds great risks. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 6/6/2005

Easy-to-grow papayas are a sweet and nutritious local alternative to an apple a day for good health, reports Jari Sugano. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 6/2/2005

Jerry Ooka and Roy Yamakawa describe how urban environments and fungal pathogens are taking a toll on Hawaii’s coconut palms. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 6/1/2005


An article on how to recycle rainwater refers readers to CTAHR's Web site for more information and the order form for Trisha Macomber's extension publication on the subject, Guidelines on Rainwater Catchment Systems for Hawaii. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 5/30/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Isle heat increases need for care in handling food. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/30/2005

Trisha Macomber helps Big Island residents maintain clean, safe water catchment systems. — Hawaii Tribune-Herald, 5/26/2005

Dean Andy Hashimoto discusses the recent UH agreement not to conduct genetic engineering research on Hawaiian varieties of taro without consulting Hawaiians regarding cultural concerns, and Board of Advisors member Ernest Tottori emphasizes the importance of maintaining the hypoallergenic character of conventionally bred taro cultivars. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/25/2005

Dian Dooley: What’s That in my Food?? – The What and Why of Food Additives — Island Scence, 5/25/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Don’t rush to say yes to NO. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/23/2005

C.Y. Hu, CTAHR’s Associate Dean/Associate Director for Research, describes the establishment of a forum/review board to discuss how cultural issues relate to using recombinant DNA technology in research on Hawaiian taro varieties. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 5/20/2005

Jari Sugano shares techniques for growing supersweet corn and preserving its delicious flavor after harvesting. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 5/20/2005

Can You Pass the Ag Awareness Test? — CTAHR feature story, 5/19/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: How to avoid mango’s itch. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/16/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Guard against ‘Freshman 15.’ — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/9/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Diverse population needs confound — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/2/2005

Hawaii County Administrator Wayne Nishijima discusses the renovations planned for the Komohana Research and Extension Center; Gov. Lingle has released $1.6 million in funds for the renovation. — Hawaii Tribune-Herald, 5/2/2005

Center on the Family’s Sylvia Yuen discusses how the high cost of housing in Hawaii can impose stress and hardship on island families. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/1/2005


Jay Deputy breaks down the costs in money and time of establishing a new yard. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 4/29/2005

Dian Dooley: Shopping Smarts at the Supermarket – It’s as easy as 1-2-3. — Island Scence, 4/27/2005

The Agribusiness Development Corporation is providing funds for CTAHR’s ongoing research on tea. Dwight Sato and Stewart Nakamoto discuss prospects for Hawaii-grown tea as a niche-market product. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 4/25/2005

Preliminary experiments conducted by UH researchers including CTAHR’s Amy Brown indicate that a extract from poi inhibits the growth of cancer cells cultured from rats. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 4/25/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Pyramid pandemonium. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 4/25/2005

There’s no time like the present to start your new lawn. Jay Deputy offers tips on how to prepare the soil. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 4/22/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Balancing the new info on water, salt. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 4/18/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Nutrition can have impact on cancer. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 4/11/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Parkinson’s still steeped in mystery. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 4/4/2005

When planting a lawn, Jay Deputy recommends choosing a grass well suited to your site rather than trying to modify the site to suit a particular grass. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 4/1/2005

CTAHR Board of Advisors members Steve Holladay, Susan Matsushima, and Ernest Tottori and professor PingSung Leung are cited in a special report on “Hawaii’s 7 Agriculture Myths.” — Hawaii Business Magazine, 4/1/2005


Dian Dooley: Be Akamai When You Eat Out – It’s as simple as A-B-C — Island Scence, 3/30/2005

On his family farm in Kula, CTAHR retiree Clark Hashimoto grows loquat among other fruit crops. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 3/30/2005

CTAHR research associate Richard Kablan, who conducts USAID-funded soil science investigations (and also works part-time at Costco), is featured in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin’s Hawaii at Work series. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 3/28/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Vitamin E is in the hot seat again. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 3/28/2005

Grow Native! CTAHR Celebrates Earth Day. — CTAHR feature story, 3/22/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Digest news about food with caution. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 3/21/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Variety, balance and moderation still outweigh any fad. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 3/14/2005

In her regular gardening column, Jari Sugano recommends the heat-tolerant lettuce cultivars UH Manoa and anuenue; seeds for these lettuce varieties are available through CTAHR’s Agricultural Diagnostic Service Center. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 3/11/2005

Bohemian Threads is a buy/sell/trade thrift shop owned by Yamato Milner and Stacy Kinoshita. Milner established the store, located in UH Manoa’s Campus Center, as part of Carol Ann Dickson’s Brick and Click retail class, APDM 430. — Ka Leo, 3/9/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Be inclusive, not exclusive. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 3/7/2005


Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Tomatoes prove their worthiness. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 2/28/2005

Landscape specialist Andy Kaufman highlights the need for inclusion of tropical landscape architecture in UH curriculum. — Pacific Business News, 2/25/2005

Associate Professor Dian Dooley, along with Alan Titchenal, serve as nutrition advisors for Island Scene Online, HMSA’s web magazine. Dian is quoted in “The Science of Food” an article about course FSHN 185 — Island Scene Online, 2/23/2005

Dian Dooley: Functional Foods – Food, medicine or something else? — Island Scence, 2/23/2005

A Capital Experience on Capitol Hill. — CTAHR feature story, 2/22/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Bill requires nutrients list at eateries. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 2/21/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: The benefits of chocolate. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 2/14/2005

Center on the Family's Grace Fong, principal investigator of the Learning to Grow project, encourages early registration for kindergarten so that parents can meet paperwork requirements and kids can participate in kindergarten transition programs. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 2/14/2005

In collaboration with Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, CTAHR’s John Cho is transforming ornamental taro with disease-resistance genes from rice. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 2/14/2005

Before you choose a grass to grow around your house, education specialist Jay Deputy recommends that you consider your lawn’s microclimate and use pattern, as well as your schedule and pocketbook. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 2/11/2005

Center on the Family's Grace Fong, principal investigator of the Learning to Grow project, encourages early registration for kindergarten so that parents can meet paperwork requirements and kids can participate in kindergarten transition programs. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 2/10/2005

Kindergartners are Most Precious (KAMP), a transition-to-kindergarten program developed in 1992 under the leadership of Carol Ikeda and currently conducted by FCS extension agents Joan Chong, Ann Fontes, Laura Kawamura, Rose Saito, and Maryknoll Spotkaeff, has received a national award for Excellence in Teamwork from the Joint Council of Extension Professionals. Thirty Hawaii schools participate. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 2/10/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Drugs and diet can thin your blood. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 2/7/2005

Jari Sugano’s growing tips can help you maximize your summer mango harvest. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 2/4/2005

Hawaiian Airlines passengers can read about the agricultural ventures of two members of CTAHR’s Board of Advisors. Ernest Tottori’s taro loi and Susan Matsushima’s Alluvion Farms contribute to the North Shore’s rural spirit. — Hana Hou, 2/1/2005


Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: How much Vitamin D is enough? — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1/31/2005

Neil Tagawa, director of the UH agribusiness incubator program, describes how a new private incubator in Waialua can aid the development of diversified agriculture ventures. — Pacific Business News, 1/28/2005

Dian Dooley: Water, Water, Everywhere – It's still the most important nutrient of all. — Island Scence, 1/26/2005

In advance of the biennial Ag-tourism in Hawaii Conference, held this year on the Big Island, Maui, and Oahu, Kent Fleming discusses some of the benefits and challenges of diversifying farm operations through agricultural tourism. — The Honolulu Advertiser, 1/24/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Combat kidney stones with water. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1/24/2005

Sowing Seeds of Fun and Knowledge. — CTAHR feature story, 1/20/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: New dietary guidelines shake it up. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1/17/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Food is not the enemy. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1/10/2005

Carol Anne Dickson shares her expertise in retail business and fashion aesthetics by guest-curating a display of Hawaii jewelry at the Honolulu Academy of Arts. — News at UH, 1/10/2005

The highly successful and widely lauded Hawaii Areawide Fruit Fly Integrated Management Program , a cooperative partnership between CTAHR, USDA Agriculture Research Service, and the Hawaii Department of Agriculture, is protecting diversified fruit crops and reducing pesticide use. — Science Daily, 1/5/2005

The practical, healthy advice offered to students of Food Science and Human Nutrition 185, “Science of Human Nutrition: Introductory Nutrition for Non-Majors,” is featured in the HMSA members’ magazine. Two of the class instructors, Dian Dooley and Alan Titchenal, serve on the magazine’s Nutrition Advisory Committee. Additional FSHN 185 instructors include Sahar Zaghoul, Chaminade University’s Patricia Lee-Robinson, and Honolulu Community College’s Karen Hastings. — Island Scene, 1/5/2005

HAW-FLYPM, the Hawaii Area-Wide Fruit Fly Integrated Pest Management Program, is an award-winning collaboration through which CTAHR, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, and the Hawaii Department of Agriculture have helped growers dramatically reduced the damage that invasive fruit fly species cause to Hawaii fruit and vegetable crops. — Science Daily, 1/5/2005

Alan Titchenal and Joannie Dobbs: Arthritis pain remedies have benefits and risks. — Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1/3/2005