University of Hawaii Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubation (AETI) Project 2016-2017 | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 12/13/2016 | Kinoshita, Charles | $1,528,439 |
Survey, rearing, and management of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle on Oahu, Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 7/22/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $1,225,000 |
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed) FY2015 | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services | 12/8/2016 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $576,511 |
Characterizing the interplay between maize retrotransposons and the epigenome | NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION | 3/28/2016 | Presting, Gernot | $471,448 |
UH-CES Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education (SNAP-Ed) FY2015 | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services | 1/21/2016 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $460,154 |
Mobilizing Against Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle and Other Invasive Species in Hawaii | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR) | 6/24/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $331,557 |
Genomic Approaches to Fruit Fly Exclusion and Pathway Analysis - Year 2 | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 9/30/2016 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $304,266 |
EAGER Raphide Proteins and Taro Acridity | NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION | 3/22/2016 | Paull, Robert Edwin | $299,930 |
Confirming Molecular Methods for Fruit Fly Identification 2015 | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 8/5/2016 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $298,199 |
Recovery of native plant communities and ecological processes following removal of nonnative, invasive ungulates from Pacific Island forests | DEFENSE, DEPT-STRATEGIC ENV RSCH & DEV PROG | 4/7/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $285,354 |
Service to support, monitor, and report on the substance abuse treatment services | HEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI | 8/24/2016 | Kim, Ji-yeon | $267,000 |
IPM of macadamia felted coccid in Hawaii | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 5/6/2016 | Wright, Mark | $250,000 |
Hawaii Island DHHL Agricultural Education Program | HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI | 12/14/2016 | Sewake, Kelvin | $229,092 |
CSBR: Ownership Transfer: Curate, Preserve and Transfer Agriculturally and Environmentally
significant microorganisms to a laboratory equipped for maintenance and distribution | NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION | 9/2/2016 | Alvarez, Anne | $228,276 |
Recovery of native plant communities and ecological processes following removal of nonnative, invasive ungulates from Pacific Island forests | DEFENSE, DEPT-STRATEGIC ENV RSCH & DEV PROG | 12/1/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $209,567 |
The Pacific Fire Exchange: a Joint Fire Science Program Fire Science Exchange for Hawaii and the US-affiliated Pacific Islands | INTERIOR, DEPT-BUREAU LAND MGMT-FED | 2/3/2016 | Trauernicht, Parker | $199,989 |
Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Implementation Support & Enhancement | HEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI | 6/23/2016 | Yuan, Sarah | $190,000 |
Molecular ID of Bactorcera Interceptions and Domestic Captures | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED | 10/18/2016 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $179,971 |
Adding Value and Controlling Pests and Diseases of Papaya and Other Tropical Fruit | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 10/12/2016 | Grace, Jack | $176,741 |
Palau fisheries sector socio-economic baseline assessment | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY | 8/11/2016 | Oleson, Kirsten | $174,555 |
Science and Technology Based Management of Incipient Miconia (Miconia calvescens DC) Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT) | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR) | 1/22/2016 | Leary, James | $171,213 |
Control of Pests and Diseases and Adding Value to Specialty Crops | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 10/7/2016 | Grace, Jack | $167,861 |
Hauoli Mau Loa Graduate Assistantships | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 11/21/2016 | Chan-Halbrendt, Catherine | $165,753 |
Survey and monitoring of Coffee Rust and Coffee Berry Borer in the State of Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 8/15/2016 | Carruthers, Raymond Ingalls | $165,500 |
Training secondary teachers to inspire and empower the next generation of natural resource managers for Hawaii, from Hawaii | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 11/16/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $144,775 |
Regionally Grown Feedstock | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 10/5/2016 | Grace, Jack | $142,613 |
Prevention and Control of Invasive Insect Pests | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 10/7/2016 | Grace, Jack | $136,074 |
Colorado State University (CSU) & University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UoH) - Sustainable Community Project (CO&HI-SCP) | Colorado State University | 7/19/2016 | Yancura, Loriena | $134,772 |
Survey and Detection for Metamasius hemipterus in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 9/23/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $130,107 |
Characterization of Hazardous Substances | HEALTH, DEPT-HAZARD EVAL & EMERGENCY RESPONSE | 5/6/2016 | Uchida, Raymond | $129,974 |
Development of an Individual Free-Choice Mineral Supplementation Program for Sustainable Grazing Management of Hawaii's Rangelands | UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY | 7/8/2016 | Thorne, Mark | $121,832 |
Finalization of soil carbon sequestration measurement and model validation in the development of perennial grass feedstocks for biofuel in Hawaii | DEFENSE, DEPT-NAVY OFC OF NAVAL RSCH | 6/24/2016 | Crow, Susan | $121,816 |
Understanding how climate change is affecting Hawaii's high-elevation ecosystems | INTERIOR, DEPT-NATIONAL PARK SVC | 9/12/2016 | Krushelnycky, Paul | $121,799 |
Building climate literacy in the Cooperative Extension Service to increase capacity for climate change adaptation and mitigation among Pacific Island agricultural systems | INTERIOR, DEPT-FED OFC OF INSULAR AFFAIRS | 9/22/2016 | Trauernicht, Parker | $121,371 |
Validation of and Enterprise Algorithm Development for the VIIRS Vegetation Index EDR | COMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED | 11/25/2016 | Miura, Tomoaki | $120,000 |
Evaluation and Validation of the Vegetation Index Environmental Data Records from Visible-Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite | COMMERCE, DEPT-NATL NOAA-FED | 1/4/2016 | Miura, Tomoaki | $107,880 |
Assessing the Impact of Future Climate on Hawaii's Aquatic Ecosystems | INTERIOR, DEPT-UNITED STATES GEO SURVEY | 5/24/2016 | Tsang, Yin-Phan | $104,928 |
Establish a transient gene silencing system to identify genes that play key roles in basil downy mildew disease development | Intrexon | 5/26/2016 | Tian, Miaoying | $104,138 |
Hawaii KIDS COUNT 2012 | CASEY, ANNIE E., FOUNDATION | 3/7/2016 | Stern, Ivette | $100,000 |
IN MAUI COUNTY FY2016 | COUNTY MAUI OFC OF ECON DEVEL | 3/3/2016 | Reeves, Cynthia Lynn | $100,000 |
Nutrition Consultation & Review | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI | 8/8/2016 | Kanehiro, Naomi | $100,000 |
Cooperative Extension Farm Food Safety: GAP Training and Education | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 7/26/2016 | Nakamura-Tengan, Lynn C | $99,970 |
Opportunities to Produce Moringa with Soilless Production Technologies | Horimasa Co. Ltd. | 11/9/2016 | Radovich, Theodore | $99,050 |
The ecology and management of Rapid Ohia Death across forests of Hawaii: development of tractable, science-based solutions | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR) | 2/11/2016 | Friday, James | $99,000 |
Homeless Service System and Outcome Analysis | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI | 10/31/2016 | Yuan, Sarah | $97,130 |
Host-Mediated Regulation of Dual Obligate Intracellular Symbionts | TEXAS AUSTIN, UNIVERSITY OF | 9/1/2016 | IV, Gordon M Bennett | $96,585 |
Hawaii Island DHHL Agricultural Education Program | HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI | 3/14/2016 | Berry, Marianne | $95,000 |
Evaluating the environmental and socio-economic outcomes of oil palm sustainability certification | NATIONAL AERONAUT & SPACE ADM | 6/1/2016 | Carlson, Kimberly | $94,569 |
Hawaiian Home Lands Agricultural Education Program | HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS, DEPT-HI | 3/15/2016 | Stokes, Ashley | $92,000 |
The role of insect vectors in the spread of Rapid Ohia Death disease (Ceratocystis fimbriata) | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR) | 2/4/2016 | IV, Gordon M Bennett | $85,000 |
Improving Nitrogen Synchronization of Local Fertilizers, Soil Fertility, and Crop Quality with Biochar Application. | UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY | 7/20/2016 | Hue, Nguyen V | $81,866 |
Hawaii Integrated Pest Management Program for Diamondback Moth and Other Lepidopteran Pests on Crucifers | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 7/18/2016 | Shimabuku, Robin | $80,000 |
Rapid Ohia Death Response Team | Hawaii Community Foundation-Hawaii Tourism Authority Fund | 1/14/2016 | Friday, James | $79,000 |
Enhancing Hawaii's Organic Agriculture through Research and Extension Activities. | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 1/8/2016 | Radovich, Theodore | $75,000 |
Developing an Integrated Pest Management program to control Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle on Oahu in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 3/31/2016 | Cheng, Zhiqiang | $75,000 |
UH-CTAHR Projects in Maui County FY17 | COUNTY MAUI OFC OF ECON DEVEL | 12/6/2016 | Reeves, Cynthia Lynn | $75,000 |
GoFarm Hawaii: A Statewide New Farmer Development Initiative | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 4/8/2016 | Chiang, Steven Nien Hsia | $74,800 |
2015 Hawaii IR-4 Food Use Field Projects - SPO #201502587 | CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF | 8/23/2016 | Kawate, Michael | $72,500 |
Development of standardized survey tools for use in evaluating population size, distribution, and habitat use of Hawaiian Short-eared Owls (Asio flammeus sandwichensis) on Oahu | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR) | 12/27/2016 | Price, Melissa Renae | $71,714 |
Hauoli Mau Loa - Rapid Ohia Death Public Outreach | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 5/3/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $71,250 |
OYS Mindfulness Training | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-OYS-HI | 9/29/2016 | Le, Thao | $69,850 |
Safety training for coconut rhinoceros beetle response personnel and facility improvements at the University of Hawaii's invasive insect containment laboratory | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR) | 2/26/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $67,650 |
Farmer Decision-Making Strategies for Improved Soil Fertility Management in Maize-Bean Production Systems | Iowa State University | 2/11/2016 | Yost, Russell | $66,777 |
Enhancing Hawaii's Organic Agriculture through Research and Extension Activities. | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 9/19/2016 | Radovich, Theodore | $65,000 |
Western Regional Food Safety Center | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 5/31/2016 | Saulo, Aurora | $63,223 |
Characterization and Management of Invasive Plant Viruses in Hawaii | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 9/26/2016 | Grace, Jack | $61,907 |
The Role of Insects in the Spread of Rapid Ohia Death Disease (Ceratocystis) | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 10/7/2016 | IV, Gordon M Bennett | $60,098 |
The Impact of Non-Native Predators on Pollinators and Native Plant Reproduction in a Hawaiian Dryland Ecosystem | AGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED | 6/15/2016 | Haines, William P | $60,000 |
Assessing the conservation status of the El Segundo Blue (Euphilotes battoides allyni) using a genomics approach | INTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC | 5/31/2016 | Rubinoff, Daniel | $60,000 |
2016 Military 4-H Club Grant - CONUS and OCONUS | KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY | 1/22/2016 | Nakatsuka, Claire | $58,561 |
HMIS Analysis and Dissemination Project | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI Benefits, Employment & Support Services | 6/23/2016 | Yuan, Sarah | $58,160 |
PacRISA economic modeling | EAST WEST CENTER | 4/6/2016 | Oleson, Kirsten | $57,644 |
Rapid On-Site Molecular Diagnostics for Select Agent Ralstonia Solanacearum | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED | 1/13/2016 | Jenkins, Daniel | $57,316 |
Ecological Modeling of Optimal Pig Management Strategies on Oahu | LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) | 12/22/2016 | Price, Melissa Renae | $53,794 |
PacRISA economic modeling | EAST WEST CENTER | 10/7/2016 | Oleson, Kirsten | $52,337 |
Clinical trial using short mobile messages (SMS) to improve infant weight in low-income minorities | Morehouse School of Medicine | 2/1/2016 | Banna, Jinan | $50,000 |
Hau'oli Mau Loa Rapid Ohia Death Lab Technician | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 2/19/2016 | Friday, James | $50,000 |
The Hawaii Egg Quality Assurance Program Producer Education and Implementation | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 6/14/2016 | Duponte, Michael | $50,000 |
Phylogeny and Adaptive Variation within Hawaiian Band-Rumped Storm Petrel (Oceanodramo castro) | INTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC | 11/3/2016 | Price, Melissa Renae | $48,000 |
GMBF - Rapid Ohia Death | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 2/2/2016 | Friday, James | $47,500 |
Hau'oli Mau Loa Rapid Ohia Death Mol. Biol. | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 2/2/2016 | Friday, James | $47,500 |
Quantifying Plastic Ingestion and Associated Organic Pollutants in Sea Turtles from the Pacific Ocean | COMMERCE, DEPT-NATIONL INST STANDARDS &TECH-FED | 4/7/2016 | Lepczyk, Christopher | $47,318 |
Friends of Hakalau: Teaching Change | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 8/11/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $45,000 |
Cochran Fellowship Program - Albania | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL SERVICE | 7/21/2016 | Chan, Catherine K | $42,951 |
Biotechnology Education in Hawaii: Today's Youth for Tomorrow's Decision
Makers | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 10/5/2016 | Wieczorek, Anna | $42,502 |
Hawaii AgDiscovery Program | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 4/6/2016 | Kinoshita, Charles | $42,000 |
Western Integrated Pest Management Center Regional Comments Coordinator for the American-affiliated Pacific Islands | CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF | 3/1/2016 | Kawate, Michael | $41,000 |
Integrated and sustainable approach to manage new invasive pests of Ficus trees in Hawaiis urban landscapes | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 7/12/2016 | Cheng, Zhiqiang | $41,000 |
Activators and attractants for giant African land snails | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 7/28/2016 | Hara, Arnold | $40,898 |
The role of insect vectors in the spread of Rapid Ohia Death disease (Ceratocystis fimbriata) | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR) | 11/16/2016 | IV, Gordon M Bennett | $40,020 |
Plant and Protein Biotech Research | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 5/13/2016 | Su, Wei-wen | $40,000 |
Education and Training in Shade Management for Cocoa Production | World Cocoa Foundation | 4/29/2016 | Idol, Travis | $39,864 |
The citrus clean plant network in Hawaii | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 7/22/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $38,269 |
Hauoli Mau Loa - Rapid Ohia Death Researcher in PEPS | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 2/11/2016 | IV, Gordon M Bennett | $38,000 |
Statewide survey for exotic banana pathogens | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-FED | 6/29/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $37,848 |
Germplasm Selection and Management to Optimize Vegetable Quality and Yield in Tropical, Organic Production Systems | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 4/27/2016 | Radovich, Theodore | $37,450 |
Isolation and characterization of microorganisms that biodegrade high molecular weight polycyclic hydrocarbon pyrene | King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals | 1/27/2016 | Li, Qing Xiao | $36,800 |
Monsanto Fellowship Awards | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 6/21/2016 | Kinoshita, Charles | $35,500 |
Hau`oli Mau Loa CGAPS CTAHR Research Assistantship 2014-2016 | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 4/15/2016 | Hara, Arnold | $35,000 |
Hawaii Pathways Project Evaluation | HEALTH, DEPT-ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE DIV-HI | 1/15/2016 | Yuan, Sarah | $34,580 |
Design of a Supercooling Device for Extended Shelf Life of Perishable Foods | Jun Innovations | 11/30/2016 | Jun, Soojin | $32,890 |
Hawaii Early Learning Needs Assessment | Hawaii Children's Action Network | 7/7/2016 | Debaryshe, Barbara | $32,750 |
Detection of Huanglongbing (Citrus Greening) | Agriculture, Dept - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service | 5/25/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $32,353 |
Regional Nutrition Education Center of Excellence: Strengthening EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Interventions through Effective PSE Approaches | TENNESSEE-KNOXVILLE, UNIVERSITY OF | 8/22/2016 | Novotny, Rachel | $30,045 |
Advancing Paid Family Leave in Hawaii | CASEY, ANNIE E., FOUNDATION | 8/30/2016 | Zan, Hua | $30,000 |
Ecological Modeling of Optimal Pig Management Strategies on Oahu | LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) | 10/18/2016 | Price, Melissa Renae | $30,000 |
Waimanalo Learning Center (WLC) Community Coordinator | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 5/3/2016 | Radovich, Theodore | $29,902 |
Hauoli Mau Loa - Agrosecurity Laboratory | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 2/11/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $28,500 |
Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic Network | CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF | 12/15/2016 | Melzer, Michael | $28,105 |
Canopy Modification for Macadamia Felted Coccid Management in Macadamia Nut Orchards in Hawaii | California, University of-Div of Agriculture & Natural Resources | 4/29/2016 | Cho, Alyssa H | $27,282 |
Western Regional Food Safety Center | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-NATL INS FOOD AND AGRICULTURE | 11/23/2016 | Saulo, Aurora | $25,318 |
AGventure: Keeping Agriculture Alive with Hawaii's Youth | County Hawaii Dept of Research and Development | 6/20/2016 | Settlage, Rebecca | $25,000 |
Monitoring invasive insect pests in Hawaii Forests | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR) | 5/25/2016 | Kaufman, Leyla | $25,000 |
Cacao Fermentation and Value-added Processing in Hawaii County | County Hawaii Dept of Research and Development | 12/6/2016 | Cho, Alyssa H | $25,000 |
Grazing Management Plan for Puu Waawaa Forest Reserve | LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) | 10/10/2016 | Trauernicht, Parker | $25,000 |
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for Hawaii | UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY | 12/21/2016 | Sugano, Jari | $24,000 |
SARE Professional Development Program Plan for Hawaii | UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY | 5/6/2016 | Sugano, Jari | $24,000 |
Enhancing the sustainability of grass-fed beef production in Hawaii via carcass and meat quality improvement | UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY | 3/1/2016 | Kim, Yong-soo | $20,992 |
NEXTGEN Cassava Project | Gates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation | 9/15/2016 | Motomura, Sharon | $20,140 |
NEXTGEN Cassava Project | Gates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation | 9/15/2016 | Motomura, Sharon | $20,140 |
Sustainable Pest Management Approaches for High Tunnel Screenhouse Production in the Tropics | UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY | 9/20/2016 | Wang, Koon-hui | $20,127 |
The Teaching Change Program: Our Changing Forests Project | AGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED | 9/1/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $19,875 |
NEXTGEN Cassava Project | Gates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation | 1/8/2016 | Motomura, Sharon | $19,476 |
Impacts of Land Use and Mangrove Tree Diversity on Soil C Stocks in SE Asian Mangrove Forests | AGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED | 7/19/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $19,000 |
Aquaculture of Opihi | OCEANIC INSTITUTE-CTR FOR TOP & SUB TROP AQUA (CTSA) | 3/3/2016 | Bingham, Jon-paul | $18,582 |
Agricultural Education Activities | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-HI | 7/5/2016 | Zaleski, Halina | $15,950 |
Development of New and Improved Anthurium Cultivars for Hawaii | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 9/23/2016 | Amore, Teresita | $15,898 |
Host range testing and molecular analysis of the rust disease Puccinia psidii Winter | LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) | 6/2/2016 | Uchida, Janice | $15,660 |
Ecological Modeling of Optimal Pig Management Strategies on Oahu | LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) | 3/30/2016 | Price, Melissa Renae | $15,000 |
Assessing the capacity of a new remote sensing tool to monitor fire risk on Hawai'i island | AGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED | 8/10/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $15,000 |
Control of pathogens and pharmaceutical compounds by biochar-supported photocatalysts under solar light irradiation | ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY | 1/22/2016 | Kan, Eunsung | $14,999 |
Logistical Support for Kauai based Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office | INTERIOR, DEPT-FISH & WILDLIFE SVC | 10/10/2016 | Messing, Russell | $13,800 |
Evaluation of reliability of a food behavior checklist for low-income Filipinos | Mountain West Clinical & Translational Rsrch Infrastructure Network | 2/12/2016 | Banna, Jinan | $13,749 |
Rapid Ohia Death Project | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 10/27/2016 | Uchida, Janice | $13,056 |
Hawaii Crop Suitability Model Expansion (Land Suitability Analysis for Crop Growth in Hawaii | Ulupono Initiative | 12/20/2016 | Miura, Tomoaki | $12,775 |
Research on Plant Ornamental Diseases | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 12/20/2016 | Uchida, Janice | $12,500 |
Assessing the capacity of a new remote sensing tool to monitor fire risk on Hawai'i island | AGRICULTURE, DEPT, FOREST SVC-FED | 2/5/2016 | Litton, Creighton | $12,021 |
Developing Anaerobic Digestion Biorefinery Using High Yield Tropical Feedstocks | OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY | 3/28/2016 | Khanal, Samir | $12,000 |
2015 Hawaii IR-4 Food Use Field Projects - SPO #201502587 | CALIFORNIA DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF | 11/18/2016 | Kawate, Michael | $12,000 |
Use of Biofungicide (Bacillus subtilis) to Suppress Clubroot on Cabbage | County Hawaii Dept of Research and Development | 8/26/2016 | Motomura, Sharon | $11,000 |
Exploring Your Environment Afterschool | NATIONAL FOUR-H COUNCIL (4-H) | 5/25/2016 | Nakatsuka, Claire | $10,500 |
Innovative Agricultural Research to Control Rough Sweetpotato Weevil | COUNTY HAWAII | 12/6/2016 | Miyasaka, Susan | $9,680 |
Research on Plant Ornamental Diseases | UNIVERSITY HAWAII FOUNDATION | 5/16/2016 | Uchida, Janice | $8,500 |
Yellow-Faced Bee Captive Propagation Program | LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) | 4/19/2016 | Haines, William | $7,999 |
Monitoring egg and larval parasitism of the Kamehameha butterfly | LAND & NATURAL RESOURCES, DEPT (DLNR) | 6/27/2016 | Haines, William P | $7,946 |
State Commission on Fatherhood Project | HUMAN SERVICES, DEPT-HI | 7/11/2016 | Lewin-bizan, Selva | $7,500 |
Science and Technology Based Management of Incipient Miconia (Miconia calvescens DC) Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT) | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR) | 6/2/2016 | Leary, James | $7,388 |
Yellow-faced bee captive propagation program | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR) | 12/9/2016 | Graham, Jason R | $6,913 |
Fostering the Growth of a Hawaii Tea Industry | County Hawaii Dept of Research and Development | 11/4/2016 | Hamasaki, Randall Tsugio | $6,470 |
Acquisition of Goods and Services | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 11/16/2016 | Feitshans, Theodore Alan | $5,642 |
Acquisition of Goods and Services | AGRICULTURE, DEPT-AGRI RSCH SVC-FED | 5/24/2016 | Friday, James | $5,642 |
4-H Outreach Program | LABOR & INDUSTRIAL RELATION, DPT-HI (DLIR) | 6/7/2016 | Chong, Joan | $5,000 |
Farming Internship Program | National Chung Hsing University | 7/25/2016 | Kanwar, Rameshwar S | $5,000 |
Science and Technology Based Management of Incipient Miconia (Miconia calvescens DC) Utilizing Herbicide Ballistic Technology (HBT) | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-INVASIVE SPEC (DLNR) | 7/14/2016 | Leary, James | $3,347 |
Trends in Golf Course Water Consumption and the Importance of Evapotranspiration Monitoring in Hawaii | United States Golf Association | 10/24/2016 | Evensen, Carl | $3,000 |
Many Minds, One University: System-wide Collaboration to Address Essential Sustainability Issues | Assn of Public & Land-Grant Universities | 10/3/2016 | Turano, Brian | $2,000 |
Garden study to test susceptibility of different naio populations to naio thrips in Hawaii | LAND & NATURAL RES, DPT-FORST (DLNR) | 6/2/2016 | Kaufman, Leyla | $562 |
Total: | | | | $15,540,893 |